It’s JPei has moved to under the new name WONDERMENTARY.

Yes, I finally made the switch to the self-hosted Go check it out!

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All new posts will now be on WONDERMENTARY, so say au revoir to It’s JPei! A new era has begun…

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California, Here We Come!

Even though February just began, I’m counting down to spring break in March because my friends and I are planning the ultimate Pacific coast road trip from San Francisco to LA! While researching for this trip, I was overwhelmed by the number of things we could do in this state. California’s got it all – ocean, mountains, forests, desert…no wonder y’all call it “west coast best coast.” So this is why I need your help narrowing down the best of the best! Below, I listed a few of the cities we plan to visit. Please send over suggestions: where are your favorite places to eat and see?

A. San Francisco

B, C. Monterey & Carmel

monterey carmel California

Does anyone know what’s the significance of this tree? It pops up a lot in my Google image searches of “Monterey.” Source

D. Big Sur

E. Morro Bay

F. Santa Barbara

G. Los Angeles

I’m interested in visiting “unique” places, such as little known, local hangout spots, rather than the big-name tourist attractions (though I’ll indulge in some, of course!). As you can see on the map below, our destinations are pretty spaced out. Please help us fill in the blanks!

Since this trip will last only 1 week, I currently have the “I’ll sleep when I die!” mentality. I literally want to see everything. A friend once told me that if I loved a city/place enough, I would go back and visit often. Perhaps this thought will help curb my greedy appetite so that I can slowly soak in California’s beauty one day at a time.

Thanks for reading, and for your duly-noted suggestions!

P.S. Road trip complete! Check out my posts about it here.

Top 10 Blog Posts of 2014

It’s crazy to think that the year 2014 is coming to an end – meaning my graduation in 2015 is quickly approaching (also meaning that the big, scary unknown called The Future, awaits)…dundundun. Even though I went through my low points this year, I also had a lot of great moments and memories to cherish and to be thankful for. Here are my top 10 blog posts/moments, in no particular order, of 2014*:

1. Turning 21. In New York. Where I got a free birthday hotpot dinner. And drank a chocolate martini as my first legal alcoholic drink. Girl can’t complain.

2. Witnessing unbelievably beautiful lights at Garden Glow.

Climatron at Garden Glow in Missouri Botanical Garden St. Louis

3. Gazing up at Times Square in childlike wonder the first weekend I arrived in New York.

4. Reveling in God’s beautiful creation at Castlewood State Park.

5. Looking down at Manhattan during sunset from Top of the Rock.

Chrysler Building in New York from Top of the Rock

6. Pigging out + admiring good art with good company at St. Louis World’s Fare.

Pappy's st louis world's fare

7. Petting goats and camels at Grant’s Farm in beautiful fall weather.

8. Running around on a fall photoshoot with my girls at Citygarden.

9. Biking in Central Park with friends from my summer Bible study small group.

10. Stepping up the selfie game at the Bean in Chicago’s Millennium Park.

Wow. Looking back at all the things that happened this year, I feel so thankful for the countless opportunities that allowed me to go and live. My goal is to keep up this thankful spirit come 2015 and to remember to appreciate everything and everyone in my life. Here’s to the year 2015!

Do you guys make New Year’s Resolutions? What are some of your goals?

Thanks for reading!

*My first blog post experience took place in May, so my “year” has been cut a little short. There were still over 100 posts to choose from though, and it was a difficult to narrow down to 10 because I loved them all!

Liebster Blog Award

To my surprise last week, Divya from Heart of Nowhere nominated me for the Liebster award. I’m so flattered, thanks!

Liebster Award It's JPei

The Liebster Blog Award was created for smaller bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers. Liebster is a German word that means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest,and beloved. Essentially, this award allows bloggers to discover each other and get to know one another better.

Rules for Liebster Award:

  1. Post 11 random facts about yourself
  2. Answer 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to do the same
  4. Let the bloggers know you have nominated know they have been nominated

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